On this day I was inspired to explore nature with the intention of focusing on our five main senses. Well, we actually have way more that five senses, and they aren’t necessarily the more important but they are the ones we’ve been taught in school. I focused on noticing and documenting what I saw, smelled, touched, tasted (only when safe! know what you put in your mouth) and heard.
Vision is easy- its the sense that we use a lot and are really comfortable with. But do we really see? to slow down and to spend a few long moments with each subject brings to life details that would otherwise be overlooked in our rush to get to the next thing.
Ribwort plantain, (Plantago lanceolata)
Sense of smell was interesting . I found it challenging to describe smells. I can recognize different smells but don’t currently have the vocabulary to describe it to someone! The human nose can discern thousands of smells- but how can we describe them with words or pictures? Analogies are helpful “it smells like…” or “it reminds me of…”
Give this activity a try- focus on each of these five senses as you wander slowly in your nearby nature!